понедельник, 16 мая 2016 г.

Step Inside The Beachy, ’70s Home Our Dreams Are Made Of

Step Inside The Beachy, ’70s Home Our Dreams Are Made Of

Sarah & Her Home

Casual, relaxed, perfectly imperfect—these are just a few of the words that immediately come to mind when touring the eclectic home of BOHÈME GOODS founder, Sarah Shabacon. We caught up with the impeccably cool mom in her Maple Ridge, British Columbia home to talk shop, motherhood and (perhaps most importantly!) where she finds all of her incredible vintage décor.

After chatting with Sarah, we found out that her children's ecommerce shop style and at-home aesthetic aren't all that far apart. One is inspired by 1970s texture (think: natural cotton, linen, silk, cashmere, wool), whereas the other focuses on the laid-back beachy vibes of the same era. The combination of both aesthetics is enough to make us want to scour Craigslist and thrift stores for rattan, mudcloth and faux fur—we have a feeling you might just feel the same way after taking the full home tour below!

Without wasting another moment, it's time to dive down deep into the boho space that Sarah Shabacon, her husband and two boys call home.

What were some of the goals that you kept in mind while designing your home? Let us in on your process.

The idea of ‘designing’ a home was so foreign to me when we purchased our townhome. I was 20 years old and my (now) husband and I had both just moved out of our parents' homes. Between us we had a bedroom set. It took a few years to reflect on who we are, what our lifestyle is and, in turn, how we want our home to make us feel. My main goal was to have an open space with a happy vibe for the boys to roam in on rainy days. Less is more and I feel like, once you pare down to the basics, it leaves you feeling much more content and at peace in your home.

What's your decorating philosophy?

It took me a few years to understand what my parents meant when they told me that it takes time to turn a house into a home. Just because you’ve got an empty wall, or a table without a lamp doesn’t mean you need one! Most of my spontaneous décor pieces have all been sold or donated—it’s only the pieces I spent a bit more money on, or thrifted, that still remain and bring a smile to my face.

Where did you find the vintage pieces in your home?

Craigslist has this rad trick where you can save a search. I had been checking daily for over three years for a rattan rocking horse, and a hanging chair. I found both of them because I had saved both items to my Craigslist account and was notified a few minutes after they were both posted for sale. Lucky for me, I was the first to score them! The vintage rugs are from Turkey and Afghanistan.

What criteria do you follow when considering adding something to the BOHÈME GOODS inventory?

When I’m buying vintage, I’m in a 1970s beachy mindset. That’s the era I’m most in love with and I try to purchase pieces that emulate those vibes. I prefer natural fibers like cotton, linen, silk, cashmere and wool, but if the design on a piece of clothing is too good to pass up, I break that rule.

For décor, I stock what I would personally put in my own home, with an emphasis on rattan for that beachy vibe it so easily brings to any space.

Your bedroom feels so peaceful. What are your tips for promoting relaxation in this or any space?

One of the simplest ways to do this is by using tones of the earth and only having necessary furniture in the space. If you get ample sunlight, bring the outdoors in and pot some plants. They’re a really cool addition to any space and help purify the air in your home, too.

What's your favorite piece in your closet?

My mother's quilted floral jacket from 1977. She purchased it in England when she was 16 years old and gifted it to me when I traveled to Europe at her age. I’ve never seen a jacket so well crafted. The silk and hues have also aged to perfection over the years.

How do you manage to keep a clean and tidy home with pets and children in tow?

The secret is to just never sit down. I’m kidding, sort of. Remember the whole ‘less is more’ concept? Well, this is where it really pays off. Everything in our home has a place and that’s where it goes. I found the moment I got rid of the dreaded ‘junk drawer,’ I began to put things where they belonged instead of caving and having an option to deal with it later.

Are you a "live in the past" gal or a "live in the moment" gal?

I like to think I live in a perfectly blended combination of the two. The past humbles me and the present empowers.

What's your favorite thing to do with your children at their ages right now?

Be outdoors. Isaac is four and Ziggy, two. I typically pack only the essentials when we go out, so if we’re at the beach, the boys are using sticks to draw in the sand and shells to dig. They’re most imaginative when they have nothing to use but nature, and it’s a beautiful thing to watch.

The framed family photos in your living room are just beautiful! Is there a story there?

Thank you! They are so special to us because they capture us doing what we love the most, which is being together somewhere new. We travel often and love a good road trip, usually with no destination in mind. These particular photos are my favorite ones to date. I plan to replace them as the years go by, but still keep the older photos in the frame. Sort of like a time capsule of our adventures.

Give us a rundown of what's on your summer to-do list!

The first thing we plan to do when my husband is off work is take a road trip to the Okanogan. It’s the closest thing we have to a desert here in BC, and it’s totally nostalgic because it’s where I spent my summers growing up. After that, we’re hoping to camp up in Squamish. No technology, no power—just us and a sky full of stars.

What's the first app you click into every morning?

Weather network. I know, I know—why not just look out the window, right?

How long do you typically spend on your beauty routine/getting ready in the morning?

I need about three minutes to get ready in the morning, I wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed. I simplified my beauty routine a year and a half ago by tossing out all my makeup. I’m fortunate to be able to air dry my hair and skip using any products. I do, however, have a crush on Dani Kenney and Courtney and the Babes' skincare lines.

What books or magazines are you reading during your downtime right now?

I’m reading Pictures of Paradise, a really beautiful book from the 1950s with poetry and photographs of the Hawaiian Islands.

Where do you see yourself (and your family!) in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see us doing exactly what we’re doing now—experiencing new things and loving one another and the earth. It would be a bonus if we were doing this on a beach somewhere, but you win some you lose some.

Original article and pictures take 47asd344e8mlcccky10ouz21.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com site

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