четверг, 21 апреля 2016 г.

Squeeze a Little Extra Storage Out of Any Room in Your Home

Squeeze a Little Extra Storage Out of Any Room in Your Home

If you're living in a small apartment, you're probably always looking for ways to fit in a little extra storage. Here's one way that, without buying any new furniture or taking up any square footage, you can take advantage of storage space you never knew you had.

The trick? Mount a shelf directly below the ceiling that runs the length of the room. Now you have an extra ten or twelve feet of shelf space for storing books, or seasonal items in baskets, or anything you don't need to access super often. Just make sure to have a stepladder handy, and make extra sure those shelves are securely mounted to the wall, so you don't get a very unwelcome surprise one day.

You can even add more than one shelf in a spot, like above the couch, where headroom isn't as much of an issue.

It's no secret that we're big fans of books in the bedroom: here's a great way to fit a few more in.

This is a great way to presrve an open feel in the kitchen while still adding a little extra storage.

You can even squeeze a little storage out of a hallway, without losing any circulation space.

This is a really versatile concept that works even in that humblest of spaces, the bathroom.

Original article and pictures take www.apartmenttherapy.com site

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