пятница, 29 августа 2014 г.


Burning fire and xmas stamped logs in the home of Kim van Rossenberg.
Burning fire and xmas stamped logs in the home of Kim van Rossenberg.

Lazy breakfast by DustyLu.
Lazy breakfast by DustyLu.

Light sneaking in the bedroom, photographed by Sara Landstedt.
Light sneaking in the bedroom, photographed by Sara Landstedt.

Some days ask for certain amount of laid back inspiration, love and purity.. The sun outside my window is just too bright to stay indoors so I'm about to continue my holiday chill round the city. I wish you a beautiful day, friends, and hope from the bottom of my heart that you're indeed having the best time of your life so far ^^

Join the fun

Original article and pictures take www.myparadissi.com site

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